Hub reads the blog, today, for the first time. Afterwards, he says, “Yes, very amusing, but just think of all the housework you could have been doing instead”.
“But doing the blog is more fun”
“We all have to do things we don’t like”
I have to agree, though, and it doesn’t hurt the children to appreciate this fact either, every now and again. Recently, Scooter has been getting some extra practice in. The thing that Scooter doesn’t like is drama, which we do on a Thursday after gymnastics.
However, Squiggle keeps telling me she likes it, which is why we are carrying on with it. Also, they are doing a little production and there’s not that many other children in the group so I don’t want to leave them in the lurch.
Unfortunately, a production means making costumes. It’s the sort of thing I hate and the costume ideas from the other Mums were becoming alarmingly more elaborate each week. But with the production drawing very near, reality has kicked in with some of the other Mums, too. Thankfully, what was going to be a fantastic creation in 3D using foam and wire, have hastily been revised into a cardboard cutout stuck to a headband, which is just about my creative limit, anyway.