We have acquired 5 decorate-yourself gingerbread men from MiL. Hub suggests that we decorate each other’s. Squiggle disagrees and insists on doing her own. It is soon evident why: Squiggle’s gingerbread man isn’t so much decorated with icing and sprinkles as buried under them.
Scooter looks down woefully at his own, now decapitated, gingerbread man and decides that my tasteful decoration is clearly inadequate. But not to be outdone, he revamps not only his gingerbread man but all of his plate too.
Later, I come downstairs from putting Tumble to bed to the sound of Squiggle wailing about the loss of her head. It’s Squiggle’s late night and she and Hub are playing Lego Star Wars on the PS2 and her “head” turns out to be a helmet. Unfortunately for Hub’s game strategy, Squiggle has a bit of an obsession about them, but no sooner has she fitted a new one to her character than it gets blasted off again.
“Just leave it and come this way” says Hub with more than a hint of exasperation.
“But I like being the same as you, Daddy” she tells him sweetly. Although he soon discovers that this does not extend to fighting alongside him in the battle scenes.
“I’m just going to hide, here” she informs him.