I have lost my rag with the children after getting fed up that nothing of mine is ever where I last left it. It’s like living with a band of kleptomaniacs with OCD.
We are going to gymnastics and I am buckling Pixie’s seatbelt when I notice that someone has turned on the light.
“Who turned the light on?”
Scooter admits to the deed.
“Is it dark?”
“So, why would you do that?”
At this point, I can’t help giggling and so he starts to smirk and then all the power of my prevous ranting is somewhat negated. Still, I continue ranting all the way down the M1 to try and make up lost ground.
At gymnastics, I have a fit of laziness, and ring Hub to ask his opinion on having a takeaway this evening. They have no direct dial, at his place, so I ask for the relevant extension number and Libberty, sitting next me, starts to giggle.
“Why don’t you start a sex phone line.” she says, “It would solve all your problems – flexible hours and working from home”