We are at Legoland, courtesy of supermarket loyalty points. Well, I never knew there were so many things that you could make from little plastic bricks.
We take Squiggle on the dragon rollercoaster, half expecting her not to like it. Well, as it turns out, she loves it. Scooter flatly refuses to go anywhere near it.
We get to the biggest rollercoaster in the park and Squiggle is desperate to go on it. Unfortunately, she is about an inch too short and isn’t allowed. Scooter, on the other hand, is tall enough and he’s just as keen to have a go.
Things are fine on the way up and on the gentle sweep around the top. The drop is sudden, steep and very fast. About half way down, there is a terrified whimper and a declaration that he doesn’t like it. Unfortunately, it’s too late.
Still the worst is over, and by the time we get off, Scooter has recovered.
“I liked that one the best,” he says “but I’m not going on it again”