Hub has the grumps today. The in-laws have a new ipod nano. The two may be related.
“I can’t believe they have an MP3 player before us” says Hub, whose Gadget Boy crown is obviously slipping.
“You had an MP3 player and you never used it ” I reply
“It wasn’t a hard-disk one”, he says.
“So,when would you actually use an iPod?”
“Yeah, well, there is that,” Hub admits, “But, that’s not the point.” he insists.
Later, I ask him what he thinks of my new desk, lovingly filled with all sorts of stationery.
“It’s marvellous” he says with heavy sarcasm.
Some people just have no appreciation.
The inlaws may have an ipod nano but they won’t have a clue what else it does other than play music for them when on they are holiday.
does it do other things, then?