Once again, we are doing a Big Shop. Squiggle, Scooter and Pixie have decided to do the Big Shop in the style of Secret Agents. This apparently involves sneaking around the corners, hiding behind pillars, diving onto the floor if spotted and calling to eachother in stage-whispers. As the shopping progresses, the sneaking becomes more flamboyant and whispering becomes louder until, eventually, I declare that some chocolate is in order (for me, that is, because I’m worth it) and proceed to purchase two small bars of Cadbury’s Whole Nut.
Back home, I eat one piece as I carefully cut up another piece of chocolate for Tumble, to avoid choking her on the normal sized chunks. The phone rings and I am called away to the computer with work and when I return, Tumble has not only polished off her own baby-sized pieces but there is no sign of the rest of the bar. “Where’s the chocolate gone?” I ask her. She holds her hands palms up to shoulder-height and gives me a chocolate smile.