This is my first blog for years. Although I have imported the posts from my previous blog. I’ve been blogging for ages – just not continuously… ;-D
I’m just going to pretend that I haven’t had a blogging gap of, um, 4 years).
I’ve also returned to twitter, after a 2 year gap from there. I previously tweeted on three accounts, (one personal, one for work and one that happened by accident) and it all got terribly confusing and then I gave up. There were other reasons, too. Like the amount of time social media was taking up, in general and Twitter was the one to get the boot. This time, I’ve decided to go with just the one. @LouiseR0we (that’s a zero in the Rowe bit, because an egghead is kindly squatting on the LouiseRowe one.) One account makes my life easier, although it might lead to an unfortunate collision between the world of work and the world of children/education, but then so might this blog. We shall see.